This function allows the user to set-up or modify Depots / Yards and Park-outs.  A depot or yard is any location from where vehicles start or terminate when starting or ending a driving task (such as HTS Routes, Charters, Field Trips, etc.).  

Under certain situations, drivers may be allowed to ‘park-out’ their vehicles at their homes, in which case the starting point and/or ending point of a Route may be the driver’s home.  Such ‘park-out’ locations also need to be set up in the system in order to track on time departures/arrivals from/to depots.


Adding New Depot / Park-outs

To add a new depot or park-out, follow one of the steps given below:

  1. Navigate to Set-up > Yard/Park-outs


        2.  Click in the Depot field.


Note: All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory fields.  


        3. Enter the name of the depot in the Brief Description field. The name should be unique.

        4. Select the type of depot [Yard or Park-out] that you are creating from the Depot Type drop down list. 

        5. Enter the address of the depot in Address 1 and Address 2 fields. 

        6. Enter the city in which the depot is located in the City field.

        7. Select the state in which the depot is located in the State / Province field.

        8. Enter the Zip code of the area where the depot is located in the Zip / Postal Code field. 

        9. Click LOCATE to locate the address of the depot on the map.


The address of the depot will be marked on the map and the Latitude and Longitude of the address will be picked up automatically by the system and populated in the respective fields. 


        10. Check the box for the geo fence type you wish to specify around the depot location. The available options are Circular Fence and Polygon Fence. Perform one of the following:

  • If you select Circular Fence, enter the radius, in yards, for which you wish to set the geo fence. By default, 100 Yards fence will be set. OR
  • If you select Polygon Fence, click Draw, drag and set the geo fence as required, and then click Done.

        11. Check the box for YES in the Maintenance Shop Attached? field if the depot has a maintenance shop attached to it.

        12. Enter the allowed walk time, in minutes, in the Allowed walk time field. This is the time to be allocated in the schedule for the driver to:

  • Walk to the vehicle from the office after signing-in.
  • Walk from the vehicle back to the office after returning from his/her trip.

This could be zero for park-out locations that are employees’ homes. 

        13. Click Save.


The new depot will be added. 

Editing Depot / Park-out

You can edit the details of a depot or park-out using this option. To edit the details of depot or park-out, follow the steps given below:


  1. Navigate to Set-Up > Yard/Park


        2. Select the name of the depot for which you wish to edit the details from the Depot drop down list. 

Details of the selected Depot will be displayed in the respective fields. 

        3. Edit the values of the required fields

  • If at least one of the fields is changed (Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip), click on Locate button to locate a new address

        4. Click Save.


The details of the selected depot will be updated.