When a Route is created in the system, the yard that is designated as the ‘default yard’ in ‘Location Settings’ is assigned as the departure and return yards for the Route.  If a location operates its Routes from more than one yard or uses park-outs, you would need to change the default yard to reflect the actual yard or park-out used by the Route.

It is important to set the departure and return yards correctly so that the system can capture yard departure and return events correctly, which in turn feeds ‘on-time performance’ metrics.

To change the yard, follow the steps given below.  The same steps are to be followed if no yard is currently assigned to a task (this will happen if a default depot was not specified at the time the Routes were created in the system).


1. Navigate to Operations > Schedule.


The Schedule Dashboard will be displayed.



2. Click icon, under the Action column, in the row of the task for which you wish to change the yard. 


Note: The system currently allows the depot to be assigned / changed only for HTS tasks.  This option is not currently available for other driving tasks like Field Trips, Charter, etc.


The Change yard dialog will be displayed.


3. Select the new Departure Yard and / or Return Yard from the respective dropdown lists.  The list will contain all the Yards and Park-outs that have been set-up for the location. 


Note: The system will automatically calculate and display the Estimated Distance and Estimated Drive Time for Yard to 1st Stop and/or Last Stop to Yard, depending on which yard you are trying to add/change.  This is to show the deadhead cost for the change in depot and can be used as a tool to help optimize deadhead if you have a choice of operating a Route from multiple depots or park-out locations.


4. Click Save.


A confirmation message will be displayed and the departing and / or returning yard(s) will be updated.