This section shows how to add and manage employees within the Bytecurve 360 application. This includes creating new employees within the system and editing details of employees previously added to the system. If you have multiple employees that you'd like to add or update in bulk, you can also use the "Import Employees" feature- please click here for more details.


Creating an Employee

To create an employee, follow the steps given below:

1. Navigate to Set-up > Employee

Shown below is the screen that will appear.

2. Select, "Add Employee".  

3. Fill out all of the information listed above. The employee's name and status are the required components. 

4. Click over to the "Job Related" tab to finish inputting all of the relevant information. (Job Related pop up screen shown below). The "Employee Badge ID" is important so they interact with the clock correctly, for example, clocking in and receiving messages. 

5. Select save. You have now created a employee within the Bytecurve 360 system.

Editing an Employee

To edit a existing employee, follow the steps given below:

1. Navigate to Set-up > Employee

2. Click on the pencil icon to the right.

3. The "Edit Employee" form will appear in the middle of the screen. Here you can add or change any information that needs to be adjusted. 

4. Select, "Job Related". Below, I have added a "Employee Badge ID" number, changed the "Parking Location", and inserted information under the "Pay Group" and "Pay File No." sections. Press Save.

5. As you can see below, some of those changes made can be seen reflected on the employee list. 

You have now finished editing an employee in the Bytecurve 360 application.