The function of this section is showing one how to add and manage vehicles within the Bytecurve 360 application. This section will show you how to edit details of your vehicles and how to create a vehicle within the system. Follow the steps below.


Creating a Vehicle

To create a vehicle, follow the steps given below:

1. Navigate to Set-up > Vehicles.

 2. Click, "Add Vehicle" in the upper right corner. A pop-out window for "Add Vehicle" will appear.

3. Fill out the required fields and any additional information you'd like to have on file. After you've finished, select, "Save".

4. You have now completed creating a vehicle in the Bytecurve 360 application. 

Editing a Vehicle

To edit a vehicle, follow the steps given below:

1. Navigate to Set-up > Vehicle.

2. Click on the pencil icon for the record you wish to modify.

3. After clicking the pencil icon, a pop out screen will appear for editing your vehicle details. Make any changes that are needed and click save.

4. You have successfully edited a vehicle within the Bytecurve 360 application.