The various parent apps offered via Bytecurve can be downloaded in the Google Play Store on Android devices.
To check if you have the latest version of the Parent App:
From your Android device, click the applicable link below associated with the Parent App brand your district has instructed you to use.
Next, a link to the Google Play Store app page will open for the chosen application. If you see a button prompting you to "Update" you have not installed the latest version of the app, and are missing out on the latest features and enhancements.
Note: The app Icon and Name will vary based on your choice above. You should always select the app you have been instructed to use by your School District.
Please click the "Update" button at your earliest convenience to install the most current version.

Once the latest version update as been installed, you will see the "Update" button change to an "Open" button, as shown below. This will launch the app, using the most recently updated software available.