The Pay Rate import allows to add or to update Pay Rates for existing Employees in bulk, from csv file.
To import Pay Rates follow next steps:
1. Open Set-Up -> Employee page.
2. Click on Import Employees -> Pay Rates.
3. Select file and click on Upload button.
A sample CSV file is provided at the end of this document as an embedded file.
4. After successful upload System will show a confirmation message. You can see added Pay Rates for each Employee individually (for more information go to Managing Employee Rates document).
Creating a valid CSV file
- An Employee must exist in B360 for his/her rates to be updated.
- The import file must contain only one record per Employee. If System finds more than one record, error message will be shown: “Multiple records found for employee-id <employee-id>".
- Each row represents a complete rate-set with an effective start date. Anytime any of the rates needs to be updated, all rates must be provided as part of the row.
Field | Accepted values | Description | Required? |
Employee-ID | Alphanumeric | Uniquely identifies the employee in the B360 system for a given Bytecurve customer. This must match an existing employee's ID in the system. | Yes |
Effective-start date | Date, MM/DD/YYYY | The date from which the employee’s rate is effective. Each rate set is considered open until it is superseded by the next rate update, with a different effective start date. | Yes |
Rate-1 to Rate-9 | Numeric, two decimals | Nine rates for each employee, labeled Rate-1 to Rate-9 | Yes |
Rate-10 to Rate-20 | Numeric, two decimals | Twenty rates for each employee, labeled Rate-1 to Rate-20. | No |
- The file can contain nine rates or twenty rates.
- The system will use the Effective date provided to determine the 'Date first applied' field in the Employee Rate screen, as follows:
- If the Effective date is earlier than the first day of the current open pay-period, the 'Date-first-applied' will be the first day of the earliest open pay-period
- If the Effective date falls in a current open period, or is a future date, the 'Date-first-applied' will be same as the Effective date.
- If the employee already has a rate-set in the system with a 'Date-first-applied' that is later than the 'Date-first-applied' of the rate-set in the import file, the import record will be ignored and a message will be displayed indicating this.
Attached below is the CSV used for importing employee pay rates into the system. Feel free to use this template when getting started