The Pay Rate import allows to add new Pay Rates for the existing Employees in bulk, from csv file.
To import Pay Rates follow next steps:
1. Open Set-Up -> Employee page.
2. Click on Import Employees -> Pay Rates. Note: 'Import Pay Rates' will only be visible if the user has the right permission to access rates in the Bytecurve.
3. Select file and click on Upload button.
A sample CSV file is provided at the end of this document as an embedded file.
4. After successful upload System will show a confirmation message. You can see added Pay Rates for each Employee individually (for more information go to Managing Employee Rates document).
Creating a valid CSV file
- An Employee must exist in B360 for his/her rates to be updated.
- The import file must contain only one record per Employee. If System finds more than one record, error message will be shown: “Multiple records found for employee-id <employee-id>".
- Each row represents a complete rate-set with an effective start date. Anytime any of the rates needs to be updated, all rates must be provided as part of the row. Users should prepare the file such that the effective start date of the new rate-set is the date from which the changed rate is in effect, and all rates including the ones that remain the same should be mentioned in the file.
Field | Accepted values | Description | Required? |
Employee-ID | Alphanumeric | Uniquely identifies the employee in the B360 system for a given Bytecurve customer. This must match an existing employee's ID in the system. | Yes |
Effective-start date | Date, MM/DD/YYYY | The date from which the employee’s rate is effective. Each rate set is considered open until it is superseded by the next rate update, with a different effective start date. | Yes |
Rate-1 to Rate-9 | Numeric, two decimals | Nine rates for each employee, labeled Rate-1 to Rate-9 | Yes |
Rate-10 to Rate-20 | Numeric, two decimals | Twenty rates for each employee, labeled Rate-1 to Rate-20. | No |
- The file can contain nine rates or twenty rates.
- System doesn't allow users to update an existing rate-set or to do an insert between two existing rate-sets. In either case, users must make manual adjustments to those records individually.
- For locations that use 'Pay period locking', the system will use the Effective date provided to determine the 'Date first applied' field in the Employee Rate screen, as follows:
- If the Effective date is earlier than the first day of the current open pay-period, the 'Date-first-applied' will be the first day of the earliest open pay-period
- If the Effective date falls in a current open period, or is a future date, the 'Date-first-applied' will be same as the Effective date.
- For locations that do not lock their processed pay-periods, 'Date first applied' will match effective date from the file. System cannot prevent users from adding/updating rates which was effective in a processed payroll, so the location will have to manage this themselves.
- If the employee already has a rate-set in the system with a 'Date-first-applied' that is after the current day, the import record will be ignored, and a message will be displayed indicating this.
Attached below is the CSV used for importing employee pay rates into the system. Feel free to use this template when getting started