Report contains data of employee absences. There are two ways to mark absence in B360: create an event in Calendar or mark it on Dispatch view when Employee is changed for a Task. 

You can select a period of time and Employee (by default it is for all employees) for which data needs to be generated. 

The report looks like this:

The first 8 columns are consistent for all records (see description below in the table). 

If Origin is 'Calendar', it means, that an Event was created for an employee. In this case Duration and Recurring columns will contain data of the Event,

If Origin is 'Dispatch', It means, that an employee was changed on Dispatch view, and a reason for absence was selected. In this case Task and Dispatch columns will contain data of the Task.

Field name
Employee Badge Id
Badge Id of an employee
Job Title
Job Title of an employee
First Name
First name of an employee
Last Name
Last name of an employee
Start Date
Start Date of the Task/Event
End Date
End date of the Task/Event
Absence Reason
Reason for the absence
Defines where a record was taken from: 'Dispatch' or 'Calendar'
The name of a Task
Dispatch of a Task
Duration of an Event
If an Event is recurring