The school import process allows users to add new schools and to update existing school properties, in bulk, from a csv file.

Creating Your CSV File

A CSV file template is provided at the end of this document as an attached file.  This should be opened with Microsoft Excel and each new school you wish to add or update properties for should be included on a new line in the file under the headings provided.   All fields are required to be filled.

An example of a CSV file ready for bulk load might look something like this.  This example will create 3 new schools and generate a circular geofence placed at the Street Address provided for each school.  

Updating Existing Schools in Bulk


The CSV template can also be very useful to update properties like School Code, Start Bell Time, and End Bell Time in bulk.  To update the properties of an existing school, make sure the School Name provided in the update CSV is an exact match to the School Name in the Manage Schools interface.  You can adjust any of the properties in columns B through H and import this file to “Update” the existing school properties in bulk.


Importing Your CSV File

To Import Schools in bulk from your CSV file created in the previous step, follow the steps given below:

1. Navigate to Set-up > Schools.

2. Select Import Schools (see screenshot below)

3. The "Import Schools" pop out screen will appear. Select your CSV file and the correct Customer Name and select the “Upload” button that appears. 


4. After selecting upload, you will get confirmation that the data has successfully been uploaded. You can see the results of the upload on the Manage Schools view.  If any errors are encountered, please take a screenshot, and send the screenshot, and your CSV file to for further assistance.  Do not try uploading the file again.