Reviewing Daily Plan vs. Actual Stop Data

Using Bytecurve 360, it is possible to view the comparison between the “planned” route for a driving task, and the “actual” route that was driven, as well as to focus in on specific stops along the route and view information about the time the vehicle arrived at each planned stop.


To begin, visit the Operations > Dispatch screen from within Bytecurve 360.   In the dispatch grid, find a driving task that is in progress, or completed, and has a valid vehicle assigned to it for which you wish to view the Plan vs. Actual Stop Data for the current day.

In this example, we will review the Plan vs. Actual data for the task 017 AM dispatch, being handled by Vehicle 196.

To view the Plan vs. Actual Data for this task, click the Icon

Description automatically generated with medium confidence icon on the row for the desired task and select Locate from the menu that appears.


A new window will appear, listing all the planned stops for the selected tasks along with their planned arrival time, and the actual arrival time according to the events provided to Bytecurve 360 by your GPS vendor.

On the right side of this new window, you will see a Google Maps containing an overlay displaying a breadcrumb trail of all of the reported GPS events for the selected timeframe (5:45AM to 9:35AM in this example) and numbered red “pins” indicating the location of each planned stop location along the route.


Users can focus in on a specific planned stop by selecting it from the table on the left.  This will refocus the map window and zoom in to the location of that planned stop.  Clicking on the red pin will provide you with the location of the stop, and the time of arrival.  Clicking on the blue pins will provide you with the timestamp of the GPS event that caused the pin to be placed.

If you’d like to have an even closer look at the map, you can click the Full Screen icon on the map window to expand the map to fill your entire screen, allowing you to move about the area using your mouse. To exit full screen mode press the Escape key on your keyboard and you will be returned to the Stop List interface.

Another useful tool is the ability to Show Live Route while a route is still in progress.  Click the Show Live Route button which will show you the current progress of the route by highlighting the path of the bus with a blue shaded line, as shown below.

 Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated with low confidence