Under certain circumstances it may be required to update the start/end, stop, school times of many routes or tasks for a given day.
To accomplish this task Bytecurve 360 has a Mass time shift feature. This function can be found under Operations > Dispatch > Frequently Used > Mass time shift.
After selecting Mass time shift a pop-up appears. This pop-up window is best described in three sections.
- In the top section you will find the selection criteria for the action you wish to perform. Here you can select:
- Reason – Early-Out, Late-Start, Weather or Other can be selected. This selection has no impact on the time shift itself and it more of a label for reporting purposes.
- Adjust start and/or end time by (min) – using this selection the user can move the start and/or end time earlier (negative number) or later (positive number).
- Set start time to a specific time – using the selection the user can set the start time to a specific time in HH:MM.
- Adjust yard depart/return times? Yes or No. If Yes, the system will also adjust the yard depart and/or yard return time by the number of minutes set in the Start time (yard depart) and End time (yard return). If no, the system will only adjust the start and/or end time of the tasks selected and not the yard depart and/or yard return time.
- Adjust stop/school times? Yes or No. If Yes, the system will also adjust the scheduled times for stops/schools on the selected routes. If No, the system will not adjust the scheduled times for stops/schools on the selected routes.
- The bottom left section displays a list of available routes/tasks with filters to assist the user in finding the routes/tasks to be shifted:
- Task group – the user can select tasks in one of the following groups (as determined by the task code assigned to the task) HTS, FT/CH, or Indirect.
- Shift – the user can select routes/tasks assigned to a specific shift like AM, MD, PM, FT or CH.
- Customer – the user can select routes/tasks assigned to a specific customer.
- School – the user can select routes that have runs that service a specific school.
- The bottom right section will display the routes/tasks selected by the user to shift.
- The user can select the routes/tasks on the left by checking the check box and then using the ‘Add’ button between the two boxes to move the selected routes/tasks to the ‘Selected Route’ (right side).
Follow these steps to perform a Mass time shift:
- Complete the top section (1). Make your desired selections for how you would like to shift the time.
- Use the ‘Route Selector’ to find the routes/tasks you would like to shift.
- Once you have marked the routes/tasks by clicking the check box(es) next to each use the ‘Add’ button to move them to the ‘Selected Route’ box.
- Review all the selections to ensure correctness and then click Update at the bottom right corner of the pop-up box.
The system will move the times for the selected tasks according to the selections made.
**Note: you may receive an error message if any of the following criteria are met:
- Your selections have caused the start time to be after the yard depart time or the end time to be before the yard return time.
- Your selections have caused the yard depart time to be after the first stop time or the yard return time to be before the last stop time.
- Your selections have caused the time of the shifted task to overlap for one or more employees.