Zone Based Visibility Windows
- 2 hours before the AM Bell Time, and 30 minutes after the AM Bell Time of the student school
- 30 minutes before the PM Bell Time and 2 hours after the PM Bell Time of the student school
- AM Bell Time: 8:45 AM
- PM Bell Time: 3:35 PM
- AM: Bus icon is visible between 6:45AM and 9:15AM
- PM: Bus icon is visible between 3:05PM and 5:35PM
AM Visibility Windows
- Elementary student with an AM school bell time of 7:30am; bus icon visible between 5:30am and 8:00am.
- Middle school student with an AM school Arrival bell time of 8:30am; bus icon visible between 6:30am and 9:00am.
The combined bus icon visibility window in this scenario is from 5:30am until 9:00am. No icons will be displayed outside of these hours.
PM Bus Visibility Windows
- Elementary student with a PM school bell time of 2:30pm; bus icon visible between 2:00pm and 4:30pm
- Middle school student with a PM school bell time of 3:00pm; bus icon visible between 2:30pm and 5:00pm
The combined bus icon visibility window in this scenario is from 2:00pm until 5:00pm. No icons will be displayed outside of these hours.
School Arrival / Departure Notification Only Visibility Windows
If a parent elects only to opt in to School Arrival and School Departure notifications, the bus visibility window is reduced. The bus icon will be visible for 30 minutes before and after each student's School Arrival and School Departure bell time.
Note: Parents must enable both School Arrival and School Departure notifications in order to see the bus icon in the AM and PM. If only School Arrival notifications are enabled, the bus icon will only be visible in the AM.
If multiple students are added to an account, the bus icons will be visible for +/- 30 minutes for each students Arrival and Departure bell time.
School Arrival Visibility Windows
- Elementary student with a School Arrival bell time of 7:30am; bus icon visible between 7:00am and 8:00am.
- Middle school student with a School Arrival bell time of 8:30am; bus icon visible between 8:00am and 9:00am.
School Departure Visibility Windows
- Elementary student with a School Departure bell time of 2:30pm; bus icon visible between 2:00pm and 3:30pm
- Middle school student with a School Departure bell time of 3:00pm; bus icon visible between 2:30pm and 3:30pm