With the release of Bytecurve 360 Version 13, when a breadcrumb trail generated by an asset tracked by a Telematics provider is displayed in the Support Assistant interface, a user now has additional information available for viewing when clicking on each "pin" placed on the map, as shown below in the Support Assistant interface, as well as in the Dispatch interface, using the Locate functionality for a particular task.

Clicking on any datapoint on a map will now include the Collection Time, as well as the Loaded Time (if available) at which the GPS event was recorded in Telematics provider's back-end database.

These datapoints, and their additional information, can now be used to determine the precise time that the asset reported a particular geolocation.  This can be used, for example, to determine if there was any latency between the Collection and Loaded Times which may have resulted in a missed Parent App notification, Yard Departure detection, or Yard Return detection.

  • Collection Time - The timestamp of the GPS event as recorded by the Telematics providers GPS unit
  • Loaded Time - The timestamp at which a correlating collected event is recorded and saved in the Telematics provider's back-end database (if available).