When we get a ticket for Parent App service removal, here are the steps that need to be taken to "close" or "deactivate" the location when requested.  This might be due to the closure of the terminal, or because the customer is discontinuing service.


Location ONLY utilizes Parent App

  1. Mark all vehicles as ‘INACTIVE’.  Unfortunately, this is currently a manual task.

  2. Edit the location name via Super Admin > Locations to add a prefix of ‘DELETED to the location name.  An example is provided below:

  3. Change access code to add a prefix of DELETED

  4. Remove parent-app consumer from fleet interface when renaming location with DELETED prefix.  Notify Tech Team of the "abandoned" fleet interface so it can be deleted from the database.

  5. Notes on why closed, if any information is provided by the requestor, should be included in a ticket in Freshdesk where the request is made.  This case should be given a case type of "Location Closure" for future reporting purposes.

  6. Send private note and assign ticket to Tech Team with the following note:

@Tech Team Please delete the students, keys and zones for this customer as they have discontinued their contract with Zonar for MyView.

Fleet interface parent-app consumer has been removed, Parent App access code has been changed to prevent new registrations and all vehicles and users have been deleted.

Service Discontinuation - Windy City

B360 Location name:

Windy City

Customer name:

Windy City CSD


Location continues to utilize Bytecurve 360

  • Change access code to add a prefix of DELETED
  • Remove parent-app consumer from fleet interface for the Location
  • Send private note and assign ticket to Tech Team with the following note:

    @Tech Team Please delete the students, keys and zones for this customer as they have discontinued their contract with Zonar for MyView.

    Fleet interface parent-app consumer has been removed and Parent App access code has been changed to prevent new registrations.

    Service Discontinuation - Windy City

    B360 Location name:

    Windy City

    Customer name:

    Windy City CSD