Bytecurve360 (Scheduling & Dispatch, Time & Attendance)
New features:
- Routing integration with Edulog, to electronically import and update Runs from Edulog.
- Provision to capture and transmit payroll adjustment entries for any missed employee payments from the past. This feature will require additional customer specific changes before this can be used, please contact Bytecurve support if you would like additional information.
- For tasks that have a note added, the 'Notes' icon is now displayed in red color, on the Dispatch and Verify Payroll screens. This also applies when a note is added by the system such as when an employee enters a reason for 'late clock-out' when he/she exceeds the grace time for clocking out late.
- The 'View Hours' functionality that is available on the Dispatch Clock is now available on the 'DriveOn' mobile app as well. This feature allows employees to view their approved hours for the last five pay-weeks.
- In the Manage Runs screen, the Stop details screen has been updated to display the latitude and longitude of the stop location.
- Data displayed the 'Multi Employee sign-in/out' pop-up opened from Daily dispatch is now sortable by 'Task ID/Name' or 'Employee Name'.
- In Dispatch -> Locate screen, an appropriate message is displayed If GPS data are missing for the assigned vehicle.
- The 'Location' selector dropdown list at the right corner of the top navigation panel is now sorted in ascending order, for the benefit of users who have access to multiple locations.
- The following foundational changes are now implemented in preparation for a future rollout of B360 in Canada:
- Date values displayed in the web application are now formatted based on the date format setting of the user's computer.
- The system allows for the capture and display of Canada specific address fields such as Province and Postal code.
- The system now allows for units of measure such as speed to be displayed in km/hour and distance to be displayed in meters or kilometers.
- The following time-zones that were not supported earlier are now supported: (i) Atlantic Standard / Daylight time (ii) Newfoundland Standard / Daylight time
Bug fixes:
- On the Dispatch Clock, when an employee failed to exit after signing in, and the next employee swiped in before the system automatically exited the previous employee, the first employee was being signed out from task that he/she just signed in to. This issue is now fixed.
- On the Dispatch screen, the display of current time does not update until the screen is manually refreshed. This is a bug from the previous release that has now been fixed.
- In the Tyler Onboard interface, a Run does not get refreshed if the only attribute that has changed between the Run in the Route Planning System (RPS) and B360 is the lat/long of stops. This issue has been fixed.
- As part of the above fix, the process of comparing existing stops with incoming stops has been updated such that the system now uses the stop location to determine if a stop is an existing one or a new stop. This applies to integration with all RPS systems. For more details, please click here <updated article on Run integration>
- In the 'View Hours' function, the task code shown in the summary view has been corrected to show the task code assigned by the home location for work performed by a shared employee at the borrowing location.
- On Employees screen, corrected message that is displayed after successful employee import, when the flag to 'send badge updates to Zonar GTC' is turned off.
- Employee name will not be listed for assignment while creating a recurring task if that employee's hire date is not on or before task's start date.****
- The Task Import function on the Dispatch screen is designed to allow tasks to be imported for the following day, until the end of the current day. However, instead of using the local time-zone to implement this, GMT was being used, and this issue is now addressed.
- Fixed an issue where a new route created using the Route Break-apart function was always assigned the default yard, even when the user assigned a different yard. The system now takes the yard assigned by the user.
- In the Schedule screen, users were not able to update the yard of a driving task that had no Runs, if the new yard being assigned did not have a valid walk time. This has been addressed.
- Users were not able to update a 'driver required' task if this task had a cancelled monitor assignment and there is another task assigned to this monitor which overlaps with the cancelled assignment.
- Fixed an issue with the Mass Time-shift function where the system did not allow shifting of scheduled times of a task when the yard departure time was the same as the first stop time or the yard return time matched the last stop time.
- On Zonar tablets, when the employee logs into the tablet, 'Zonar Access' application tile should list the current and next tasks assigned to that employee. This was not working before, it is now fixed.
Release notes - Parent App
- On the mobile app, when the user enters an address or intersection to locate his/her alert zone, the system uses Google's auto-complete feature to list addresses matching the characters entered and let the user select from a list of matching addresses, refining the search as additional characters are entered.
- On Manage Students -> Import Students popup, the user is now prompted to select the 'Customer' to which the student data import pertains. This is to prevent accidental import of students into an unintended customer.
- Removed 'School year' column from 'Manage Students' screen as this information is not functionally used anywhere in the application.
- The following foundational changes are now implemented in preparation for a future rollout of the parent app in Canada:
- Date values displayed in the web application are now formatted based on the date format setting of the user's computer.
- The system allows for the capture and display of Canada specific address fields such as Province and Postal code.
- The system now allows for units of measure such as speed to be displayed in km/hour and distance to be displayed in meters or kilometers.
- The following time-zones that were not supported earlier are now supported: (i) Atlantic Standard / Daylight time (ii) Newfoundland Standard / Daylight time
- The system now includes the ability to process location data from GPS devices in Canada.
Bug fixes:
- On the mobile app, corrected the error message to be displayed when a user logs in with deactivated account****
- When the vehicle assigned to a key is changed on the 'Bus Re-assignments' screen for the current day, it was taking up to an hour for the change to result in notifications from the swapped in bus. The maximum time for this to take effect has been reduced to ten minutes.
- On Support Assistant screen, the 'Last Notification Date' field displays the date and time the user received his/her last notification. The system was displaying this information in GMT, this is now changed to display the time in the local time-zone.
If you experience any issues accessing the system after the release, please clear your browser cache and try again. You can follow the link below for instructions on how to clear your cache: