Did you know that for instances where you need to mass cancel tasks, such as school closures due to holidays or weather, the ability to cancel these tasks in your Daily Dispatch screen is available, whether or not you have employees assigned to these tasks? 

To accomplish this, follow these quick steps:

  • On the Dispatch Screen, confirm the date selected is the date tasks need to be cancelled for.

  • Click on the 'Frequently used' link at the top right corner of the Dispatch screen

  • Then click on 'Multi employee sign-in'

  • Use filters as needed to display tasks you want to update

  • If you want to include tasks with no employee assignment, click on 'Include un-assigned'

  • Click on the checkbox next to 'Cancel' in the table header to select all rows, or check the boxes against the tasks you want to cancel

  • Select the reason for cancellation and then click on the 'Save' option to complete the cancel operation 

For more details click here.