Please note, the Bytecurve applications are fully tested in the Chrome browser and are certified to work in this browser.
If you use the Edge browser, you may continue to do so as we are not aware of any issues with this at this time. However, if you run into any issues, please switch to Chrome.
Bytecurve360 (Scheduling & Dispatch, Time & Attendance)
- Added routing integration with the route planning software EZRouting.
- Added routing integration with the route planning software BusPlanner.
- On the Schedule screen the system will re-calculate the yard departure time only when the departure yard is changed and the yard return time only when the return yard is changed.
Bug fixes:
- There was an issue with updating the paid times of tasks on the Verify Payroll screen on the 31st of a month with 31 days. This issue has been fixed.
- On the Schedule screen, when editing a task-assignment, is an issue that allows the user to create duplicate assignments under certain situations, that results in an error generating the Daily tasks in the Dispatch screen. This has been addressed.
Known issues from this release:
Parent App [MyView, Safestop, Where's My Kid, BusZone]
This release does not include any parent app changes
If you experience any issues accessing the system after the release, please clear your browser cache and try again. You can follow the link below for instructions on how to clear your cache: