Did you know that you can create school-based calendar events to shift the employee task start and end times for instances like planned early dismissals or late starts?
To accomplish this, follow these simple steps:
- On the Calendar screen, under ‘Set-up,’ click ‘Add Event,’ then select ‘School event.’
- Specify the customer (school district) for which to apply the calendar event, as well as the date. There is also an option to create a recurring calendar event, such as when a school lets out early every Friday, for example.
- Once the date and customer have been selected, under the ‘Action’ drop-down menu, choose which bell times should be adjusted.
- Enter the desired time with which to adjust the bell times in minutes.
- A late start of 1 hour would be entered as 60, for example, while an early dismissal of one hour would be entered as -60.
- Under the school selection table, select any schools to apply the calendar event to then press the ‘Add’ icon so that they appear in the table on the right.
- If everything looks correct, press ‘save’ and the school calendar event will be added.
The task times will be adjusted according to the calendar event when they are created during the overnight 'generate' process.
For more details click here.
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