Happy Monday! As you may know, the dispatch screen in Bytecurve updates on a regular interval,but there is also a second, different, interval at which the status column will update.
To understand this, see below:
- On the right side of the ‘Dispatch’ screen is the ‘auto-refresh’ toggle.
- By default, this auto-refresh is toggled on and refreshes the data on the screen in 45 second intervals.
- By default, this auto-refresh is toggled on and refreshes the data on the screen in 45 second intervals.
- However, the ‘Status’ column on the right side of the dispatch grid, which shows things such as ‘clock-out due’, ‘yard departure due’ and so on, updates on a different interval.
- The ‘Status’ column is updated every two minutes by a process that runs from the back-end.
- Because the ‘Status’ column updates less regularly than the dispatch grid itself, there can be instances where solely looking there may be misleading.
- For example, a task that you know has started may still say ‘clock-in due’ in the ‘Status’ column.
- In this case, referring to the grid and seeing the actual clock-in time captured will tell you that the task has indeed started and the ‘Status’ column should update to reflect that within two minutes.
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