Please note, the Bytecurve applications are fully tested in the Chrome browser and are certified to work in this browser. 

If you use the Edge browser, you may continue to do so as we are not aware of any issues with this at this time.  However, if you run into any issues, please switch to Chrome.

Bytecurve360 (Scheduling & Dispatch, Time & Attendance) - version 25


Calendar API, to programmatically add and update employee calendar entries in the B360 calendar.

This can be used to build an integration between an external vacation management system and B360, to keep B360 in sync with planned employee absences that are approved in the vacation management system.


Multiple performance tuning enhancements to improve system response times in the Dispatch screens. 

Bug fixes: 


Known issues from this release

As part of optimizing various functions to improve system performance, the following issues were inadvertently introduced into the system.  We will be correcting these in the next release:       

  1. In the list of 'Reasons for Late Clock-out' displayed on the Timeclock and DriveOn applications, the list is no longer sorted alphabetically.  Due to this, the employee may not find the reason they are looking for to be in the same position in the list as before.
  2. On the 'Verify Payroll' screen, the sort order of the filter criteria related to the status of the tasks has changed relative to what it was before the release; this is no longer in the alphabetical order.
  3. The 'Location' filter in the Manage User screen is not currently functional, resulting in a blue spinning wheel.  If you encounter this, please click on 'Reset' use other filters that are available on the screen.