This article explains the benefit of performing a payroll extract in the Excel format compared to doing so in an alternate format such as CSV.
When attempting to perform your payroll extract under Reports -> Payroll, make sure you select Excel as the output type:
The issue below is shown in B360 under Payroll -> Verify hours for one employee on a particular day. For this example, the problem affecting this employee is a task that has paid hrs either < 0 or paid hrs > 24. This causes an error when performing the payroll extract. The regular paid hours show an amount of 30 which is greater than the maximum of 24hrs.
In this case the work started at 6AM on one day and ended at 12PM the following day resulting in 30 regular paid hours:
When performing the extract in Excel the detailed error message for the date in question is shown below so you know what needs to be corrected:
In the CSV format there is no detail that shows what is causing an error when running the payroll extract in those circumstances:
For this scenario the paid hours need to be corrected to be less than 24 hours for this employee task. The extract can then be performed again with no errors. The Excel format for the payroll extract explains in detail the issue that needs to be corrected, while the CVS format does not.