The process to check meal break compliance in B360 involves the following steps:
- Employees record their meal breaks on their tablet app (ZAccess, if this application is available), or from the Timeclock application.
- The breaks entered by employees are reviewed in B360 by the operations staff / admin at the location. As part of this process, the admin can update the start-time and/or end-time of breaks recorded by the employee. If an employee was able to take a break but for some reason could not enter it into the system, the admin can also add a break in B360 on behalf of the employee.
- The admin then runs a ‘compliance check’ function, which (i) Determines what breaks are owned to the employee, based on his/her verified hours for the day (ii) Compares the breaks owed to the employee with the breaks taken by the employee, and (iii) Calls out if the employee either missed a break or if the break was less than 30 minutes.
- If the breaks taken and the breaks earned meet California meal-break compliance rules, the system indicates that the company is compliant with respect providing the required breaks to the given employee.
- Since the meal break time inherently overlaps with the employee's paid time, the admin must now adjust the paid times of the employee to remove this overlap. After doing so, the admin must run the 'compliance check' function again, upon which the employee will no longer be listed in the 'compliance status' screen (the details of which are described below).
Manage Employee Breaks
To access the Manage Meal Breaks screen, click on Payroll->Breaks, on the main menu of B360.
A list of meal breaks taken by the employee in the current pay-week is displayed. The user can select any of the last four pay-weeks (in addition to the current pay-week), to view the breaks pertaining to any of these pay-weeks. An employee level filter is also available.
The following meal break attributes are displayed [please see screenshot below]:
- Date the break was taken
- Employee name (hovering over the name also shows the employee's employee ID)
- Actual start time and Actual end time - the start / end time of the break, as entered by the employee electronically from the tablet or from the Timeclock. Either of these could be blank if the employee failed to record the break properly on the device from where it was entered.
- Revised start and Revised end time - the start / end time of the break, as entered by an admin, if the admin had to revise the times entered by the employee. By default, this will be same as the Actual start and end times.
Note: An admin user will not be able to make any changes to the times entered by the employee electronically. Any updates to such times will be displayed in the 'Revised start / end time' fields.
Beside being able to update the start and/or end times of meal breaks recorded by employees, an admin can also add a break on behalf of the employee, by clicking on the Add break function, as shown below:
To edit a break already entered in the system, the user can click on the pencil icon [] under the Action column, and modify the values in the Revised start/end columns.
The following options are also available under the Action column:
- Add notes to a record
- this works the same way as the Notes function in the Dispatch and Verify Payroll screens.
- View more information
- this provides information about who last updated the record and when
- Delete the record
- option to delete a meal break record. Only records manually added by an admin can be deleted; records added electronically by employees can only be revised, never deleted.
- View the employee tasks for the given day
- this option lets you view all the verified tasks completed by the employee on the given day.
Compliance check function
To run the meal break compliance check, simply click on the Meal break compliance button on the Manage Employee Breaks screen.
The Compliance Status screen is displayed.
This includes one record for each break earned by an employee on a given date, as shown below:
If the employee did not take any meal break to offset the earned break, a compliance status of 'Missed meal break' is displayed. This would also be the case if the employee took a break but the break was not within the required time window in which the employee should have started his/her break.
If the employee took a break within the specified time window, but the break was for less than thirty minutes, a compliance status of 'Meal break too short' is displayed.
If the above two compliance rules are met, a compliance status of 'Compliant with overlap' is displayed. To be fully compliant, meal break time must not overlap with employee paid time, and the admin must now adjust the employee paid times to remove this overlap, as discussed in the section Removing Paid Time Overlap.
For additional details on any of the records, double-click on the record. This will show all the verified tasks performed by the employee on the given date, along with the break(s) taken by the employee on the same date, in chronological order.
Removing paid-time overlap
The function to split a task is available as part of the Payroll verification function. To split the task, first 'un-verify' the task if it is already verified. Then click on the three dots under the Action column, and then on the Split task option.
A second task is created as shown below. The task times must be adjusted such that the time taken for the meal break is excluded when entering the end time of the first task and the start time of the second task.
For example, a task running from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM which has a meal break occurring from 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM would need to be split into a second task starting from 1:30 PM until 3:00 PM, with the first task ending at 1:00 PM.
Note: After splitting the task, and verifying both tasks, the admin must run the compliance check once more. This will remove the employee from the meal-break compliance status screen, and the company is deemed compliant with respect to that employee.
For each employee listed in the Employee Compliance Status screen for any given day, in any of the three statuses, the ADP pay-file will include one meal break compensation record, resulting in one hour of extra pay for the employee for that day.