Home-to-School Routes or simply Routes, that need to be executed every school-day, are one of the key inputs for Bytecurve 360. The terminology used in Byt...
Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 3:11 PM
A Route is a sequence of Runs packaged together to form a single driving task. The Route screen displays a list of Routes with its attributes as list...
Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 1:38 PM
Runs screen overview A ‘Run’ is a sequence of stops from where students are picked up, to be dropped off at a school (typically in the morning), OR a seque...
Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 1:38 PM
TABLE OF CONTENTS Viewing Route Packages Adding Route Packages Editing Route Packages Viewing Route Packages A Route - A ‘Route’ is a sequence of Run...
Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 12:57 PM
Routing Integration with third party software Bytecurve360 includes integration with certain commercial routing software products like Versatrans / Travers...
Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 1:39 PM
Route import The system provides the ability to import Routes (without any Runs) into the system to create Home-to-school driving tasks that can be assigne...
Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 1:40 PM
The function of this section is to go over how you can add new runs from the route planning system. This includes information about adding new runs, confirm...
Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 6:18 AM
The function of this section is to show how you can update runs that have changed in the routing planning system. Below there is a walkthrough of the steps ...
Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 6:21 AM
The route import process allows users to add new Home to School (HTS) routes, with or without runs associated them, via an XLSX file. Creating Your XLSX Fi...
Mon, Oct 7, 2024 at 10:55 AM
The run import process allows users to add new runs, and their associated stops, via two XLSX files. Two file templates are provided at the end of this docu...
Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 11:12 AM